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All about The Google Search | Recent updates and News :)

 The Google Search Updates and News :)

Every few weeks for updates on what’s going on around Google Search. Google Search News -a news show for website owners, publishers, and SEOs! Brought to you by Google Search Central.

Title links, State of Technical SEO report, and more! | Google Search updates and News (Nov ‘21)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With the show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

It's good to see you all again. I have a bunch of updates for you today. They include Core Web Vitals, titles, continuous scrolling, and more.

So more about the Core Web Vitals and the page experience ranking change.

I know, we've mentioned them a few times. But there is an update I'd like to mention. Just to recap, this is a relatively new ranking change that takes into account the user experience of web pages.

It includes elements like HTTPS and aspects around speed and responsiveness. The measurements are based on what real users see, not from lab tests.

The update is that we're going to expand this to also include desktop search results. Previously, it was only focused on mobile users and mobile search results.

The change includes everything apart from mobile-friendliness. This means that speed, responsiveness, as well as HTTPS, and the intrusive interstitial guidelines will be used for the ranking of search results shown to desktop users.

Search Console Insights (BETA), RSS, and more! | Google Search updates and News (June ‘21)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

It's good to see you all again. I have a bunch of updates for you today. They include core web vitals, Search Console, RSS, and a lot more.

So without further ado, let's jump right in. Let's start off with core web vitals and the page experience ranking change.

We mentioned this last time, too, so I'll be brief. This is a new ranking change, which takes into account the user experience of web pages.

It includes elements like HTTPS, as well as aspects around speed and responsiveness. The announced changes, such as the updated cumulative layout shift, or CLS for short, are now live in all of the testing tools and in Search Console.

Keep in mind that the data in Search Console is based on the Chrome user experience report data, which is aggregated over 28 days. Another update is that the ranking change has just recently started rolling out.

Page experience & Core Web Vitals ranking change and more | Google Search updates and News (April ‘21)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

it's been a while since we last saw each other there's been so much keeping us busy lately which is why it's good to have these videos from time to time in this episode, we'll be covering an update of the page experience ranking change video best practices search console and more.

so without further ado let's dive right in starting us off is the page experience change as you may recall this is an upcoming ranking change that takes into account the user experience on web pages.

it includes technical elements like HTTPS as well as quantifiable metrics for speed and responsiveness we just published some additional information on this change here are a few highlights first off you have more time we move the start of the rollout to mid-June the change will take place slowly over the course of two months on a per-page basis this gives you a bit more time.

To improve your website before things start off and to be clear this is just one of many factors that our systems take into account there's no need to do a scramble take the time to find good solutions for your websites and your users.

every website is a bit different the core web vitals part of the ranking factor is based on real user metrics which take a while to be collected and which are automatically updated over time.

Crawling & indexing updates, link building, and more | Google Search updates and News (Jan ‘21)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

In this episode, we'll be covering some neat new things around the foundation of Search, namely crawling and indexing as well as another relevant part of Search, namely links. If you're curious to find out more, then stay tuned.

As a bit of background, crawling is when Googlebot looks at pages on the web following the links that it sees there to find other web pages.

Indexing, the other part, is when Google systems try to process and understand the content on those pages. Both of these processes have to work together, and the barrier between them can sometimes be a bit fuzzy.

Let's start with news about crawling. While we've been crawling the web for decades, there's always something that we're working on to make it easier, faster, or better understandable for site owners. In Search Console, we recently launched an updated crawl stats report. Google Search Console is a free tool that you can use to access information on how Google Search sees and interacts with your website.

This report gives site owners information on how Googlebot crawls the site.

The report covers the number of requests by response code and the crawl purposes, host-level information on accessibility, examples, and more.

From Google Webmasters to Google Search Central and more | Google Search updates and News (November ‘20) 

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

It's been two months since our last update. So without further ado, let's take a look at what's new and interesting in the world of Google Search.

Today, we'll take a look at Google Webmaster--um, Google Search Central, Search Console, and we'll be catching up on other stories, plus a bunch more.

We recently changed the name of our work to connect site owners to Google Search from Google Webmasters over to Google Search Central.

Fewer and fewer people identify as webmasters, and it's hard to focus on just one particular role given all of the people who help make websites successful through search.

The name change includes our social channels, in particular, our Twitter account and, of course, this YouTube channel.

With this change, we're also taking the vast amount of content available for site owners regarding search and both migrating it to a central location and improving it for the new context.

Search Console Insights (BETA), Google Images updates, and more | Google Search updates and News (September ‘20) 

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

It's been a bit quiet here with regards to launches over the summer. Nonetheless, there are a few things worth mentioning. So without further ado, let's move on to a recent Google Search news.

Today, we'll take a look at Search Console Insights, some updates on images, programming for SEOs, and a bunch more.

All right, let's take a look. We recently launched a preview of Search Console Insights. It combines data from Google Analytics and Searches Console for content creators in an easy-to-understand way.

Its goal is to help site owners improve their sites in Search and to make it easier for them to track their progress.

Using all of the features of Google Analytics and Search Console can be challenging, even for experts. Search Console Insights aims to make that significantly easier, especially for less experienced site owners.

Search Console Insights is currently available as a preview to a limited number of users for initial trials. Unfortunately, it's currently not possible to add new sites, but we hope to expand it over time.

Web Stories, Page Experience Benchmark, and more | Google Search updates and News (July ‘20)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

It's been a bit since our last update. It turns out that times like these can be pretty challenging. So regardless of where you are and of how the situation is in your region, I hope that you, your family, friends, and co-workers are all doing well.

Now, without further ado, let's move on to the recent Google Search news. Today we'll take a look at Web Stories, an upcoming ranking factor, structured data updates, and more.

Let's start with Web Stories, an exciting and somewhat new approach to content on the web. The Web Stories format is a neat way to create high-quality, bite-sized informational content directly on your own website.

It's easy for users to view them and to move them onto your website. Like other parts of your website, they're under your control.

You can monetize them, and they can show up in Search. The format is built on AMP so they're normal HTML pages, too. While Web Stories themselves aren't new, they're now actively showing in more and more places like Google Search, Google Images, and Discover.

If you use WordPress, you'll be happy to hear there's a plugin in development that makes it easier to create these directly in your own CMS.

The plugin has just been launched as an early beta test. It's still a bit rough, but it's a fantastic way to give Stories an early spin.

COVID-19 Search Updates, Web Vitals, and more | Google Search News (May ‘20)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

Now that you're here, I've missed you. It's been a while since our last "Google Search News." The coronavirus has stirred things up a bit. Everything's a bit more complicated and confusing. Like many of you, we're currently all working from home.

On the one hand, this means my commute to my desk is now extremely short. On the other hand, this means our usual recording studio setup is out of reach.

So to help keep you informed about Google Search, we decided to start recording from home. We're not sure when things will get better with regards to recording, so in the meantime, we'll do more videos like this from home. And now, on to the Google Search news. Today we'll take a look at COVID-19-related updates, new speed metrics, mobile-first indexing, and more.

So let's check it out. Many things have changed as coronavirus started making its rounds.

For Google, this meant adding and modifying some parts of Search, as well as helping webmasters tackle the new challenges in various ways.

The details are linked below, and here's a brief overview. With in-person events being canceled, we added support for postponed, canceled, and online events with structured data.

Government and official health websites can now show special announcements directly in Search results using structured data and a separate Search Console tool.

As businesses temporarily closed, we noticed that some sites were handling the closure badly, so we created guidance for handling closures in a Search-friendly way., BERT, Search Console, and more | Google Search News (Jan ‘20)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

Today, we'll take a look at Search Console, mobile-first indexing, structured data, web search, and some other news.

It's been a busy time, so let's check it out. We're starting off with Search Console. This month, we celebrated the two-year anniversary of the new Search Console.

It's been a long process creating new features to replace the old ones and all of the feedback from passionate users along the way has been awesome to see.

Since our last episode, the Search Console team has worked to make the data in the Discover report much fresher, similar to how the Search Performance report was updated. Discover, originally the Google Feed bubbles up content that users have expressed interest in without them having to search for it.

We've also made the Index Coverage Report more comprehensive. That's not visible for all sites but generally means that the data we show is as consistent as possible with the search results.

Finally, also in Search Console, we've updated the messaging system. Previously, messages were shown in a common inbox.

Now, they're shown right next to the reports themselves. This makes it easier to resolve issues associated with particular reports on your site. Mobile-first indexing continues to grow.

Mobile-first indexing is a process of crawling and indexing with mobile devices to match what most users would see when they use the web.

As we switch more sites over, we've recognized more issues that need to be resolved by webmasters. We've recently updated our documentation to touch more

Site Kit, updates in Search Console, and more | Google Search News (Nov ‘19)

Google Search News, over recent developments in the Google Search world. Stay tuned to hear about: 

With this show, we want to give you a regular summary of what's been happening around Google Search, specifically for website owners, publishers, and SEOs.

Today, we'll be covering some of the things that have happened since the previous episode.

We'll take a look at a cool new WordPress plugin, webmaster conferences, updates in Search Console, and some other news. Recently, we launched Site Kit, a WordPress plugin that effortlessly connects your WordPress site or blog to a collection of Google services.

Site Kit makes it a breeze to get your site verified in Search Console and hooks up other services like Google Analytics, AdSense, and PageSpeed Insights.

With a quick look at the dashboard in your site's admin panel, you'll have an overview of how your website is doing overall and within Google Search. Curious to see what folks are searching for? Just want to see the overall traffic? Site Kit has something for almost everyone to help you easily grow your online presence. The team working on Google Search Console has dropped some hot updates recently.

They're always working on making it easier for folks like you to make great websites that work well in Google Search.

The updates include a report for speed. As you might have heard in a previous video, speed is important. But understanding how it affects a website is really hard. We hope this report makes it a bit easier to find bottlenecks and resolve them.

Another neat change is that now the performance report has much fresher data.

In some cases, the data we show is just six hours old. Fresher data is or was one of the most common wishes our users had, so we're happy that this is now live for you. And last but not least, we're now showing much more data about videos from your site when they're shown in search.

Changes in GSC, nofollow links, new meta tags, and more | Google Search News (Sept '19)

The very first episode of Google Search News, a news show for webmasters, publishers, and SEOs! Join us every few weeks for updates on what’s going on around Google Search.

Today, we'll be covering Search Console, changes in nofollow links, some new meta tags to watch out for, and a bit more.

Google Webmaster Tools-- I mean Search Console-- made a big step towards moving over to their new interface recently.   Search Console is a free tool that gives webmasters and site owners information on how Google Search interacts with their websites.

The most visible change is that the old home page and dashboard are now replaced with a new one. This is a big step for the team and allows them to focus more on interesting new features for the millions of websites that use these tools. We haven't moved everything over yet, and some legacy features are still linked from the new Search Console for now.

Search Console will continue to evolve. In other news, there's been a change in the Webmaster Office Hours. The Webmaster Office Hours are a way for anyone to chat with a Google employee about their website and Google Search. Let's take a quick look at how it works now. First, we introduced new sessions about a week beforehand on the YouTube community page, as well as in the event calendar.

For each session, you can leave questions that you'd like to cover directly as comments and vote on other questions. Once the session starts, we'll add the link to the live video conference as a comment, and you're welcome to join in-person to ask, elaborate, or just discuss. These sessions are recorded, and the recording's added to our YouTube channel afterward. Everyone is welcome to join. 15 years ago, we introduced the rel=nofollow attribute on links.

The web has evolved significantly since then. So recently, we gave it a bit of a revamp and expanded it. Google announced two new attributes for outbound links. These are rel=sponsored and rel=ugc. The first, rel=sponsored, is for advertisements, sponsorships, and the like. The other, rel=ugc, is for links created by your users in user-generated content.

All of these are considered hints for ranking purposes. starting March 2020, we'll also be treating these as hints to help us discover new pages.

Tagline: streamlines online search, prioritizing user safety and simplifying the search process.