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Explain various generations of Cellular Mobile Communications (Wireless Telecommunications)

Explains various generations of Cellular Mobile Communications (Wireless Telecommunications)

In this post, we are going to have a look at the wireless mobile telecommunication technology journey from mobile radiotelephone.

known as zero-G in the 1940s to the last generation which is 5g but we all know that the journey started many years before that when alexander graham bell invented and patented wired telephones in 1876 and even before that when the telegraph was first used in the 17th century having in mind that the real journey started many years ago maybe in 400 bc on the great wall of china by sending beacon fires or drum beats. wired telephone to wireless communication was a big revolution.

What are 0G, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G Cellular Mobile Networks - History of Wireless Telecommunications

This video explains various generations of Cellular Mobile Communications (Wireless Telecommunications) from telegraph to 5G, i.e 0G, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G.

what is actually 3G?

So, when we say 3G, what we're talking about is basically the Third Generation of wireless communication.

When cellphones first started, all we had was basically analog signals going back and forth, which were just voice and radio signals. After that, the Second Generation was the first to really bring digital into the picture, and send bits and packets of data across the network.

Which worked, but it was very, very slow. And then, on came 3G, which gave us slightly better speed. So, there are basically many, many different kinds of 3G.

The main two are GSM and CDMA.

GSM is the one that companies like AT&T and T-Mobile use, and it basically means that on your device, you will have a little SIM card that you put in, and it will tell your phone its identity on the network. And it'll tell your cellular company where your phone is, and how to talk to it.

CDMA doesn't use SIM cards. CDMA just uses something called an IMEI number, which is like a serial number for the phone on the network.

It basically works the same way. It's how the cellphone company people locate your phone and talk to it.

Now, 3G is all about speed.

So when we say 3G, we're talking about speeds that are roughly ten, 20, sometimes even 30 kilobytes per second, depending on your, you know, movement, place, how good your reception is. In a real-life situation, it means that you can download a song in about two or three minutes per song, which is pretty good.

It's definitely a lot more doable than 2G, which was at least ten times slower than that. With 3G, we finally get usable Internet connections. That means we can download data, pictures, and even stream music online.

With 3G, we are something like ten, 20, even 30 kilobytes per second sometime, depending on your location, and it means you can basically download a full song in about two to three minutes, which is really, really nice. And that's basically what 3G is all about.

What is 4G, exactly? LTE? HSPA+? This is 4G, Explained!

explain that so as far as the name goes for G the G stands for a generation of wireless technology with each new generation you get significantly faster data speeds but it becomes incompatible with the previous generation.

so you'll never see a 3G phone working on a 4G network and there are carriers that have both 3G and 4G networks like Verizon we'll get to that in a second the first G the original G was the old analog cellular systems they were obviously super slow.

2g moves to digital but they are still very very slow somewhere around 10 to 200 kilobits per second the first iPhone was a 2G fun fact.

3G is a much faster digital and it starts at around 384 kilobits per second.

4G systems like LTE and WiMAX claim to initially start out around 5 megabits per second which is a lot higher than all the rest we've already seen but 4G isn't just faster than 3G the 4G networks also tend to have a lot more capacity than the 3G networks so you're going to see a lot less bandwidth.

Difference between 3G ( Third Generation ) and 4G ( Fourth Generation ) technology 

1. 3G: 3rd Generation Mobile Telecommunications (3G)

3rd Generation Mobile Telecommunications (3G), is a set of standards that came about as a result of the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) initiative known as IMT-2000 (International Mobile Telecommunications-2000). 

3G systems are expected to deliver quality multimedia to mobile devices by way of faster and easier wireless communications as well as “anytime, anywhere” services.

2. 4G: Fourth-generation wireless (4G)

Fourth-generation wireless (4G) is an abbreviation for the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards and replaces the third generation of broadband mobile communications. 

The standards for 4G, set by the radio sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R), are denoted as International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced).

How 5G works and what it delivers

5g is the fifth generation of wireless data networks and it will improve them far more than 4G or 3G ever could you'll feel it in your phone your home your car and in the city and town around.

industrial benefits like remote surgery or drone control 5g does its magic with three key abilities first high bandwidth 4G could only muster about 200 megabits per second of data throughput on a good day 5g can handle up to 1 gigabit or more.

that's a thousand megabits a second on up low latency 4G suffers from around a hundred milliseconds or so in response delay or latency 5g reaction time can be as low as 1 millisecond which makes everything happen virtually instantly.

And dense connections in a given square kilometer 4G could only manage to connect about 1/10 the number of devices as 5g can if that's some of what 5g does.

how does it do it

5g uses new radio technology the part of any wireless device that makes the connection 5g uses some radio frequencies in a band known as sub 6 from 600 megahertz to 6 gigahertz part of which is also used by current 4G LTE but 5g will also use a higher band of radio frequencies from 24 gigahertz to as high as 86 these much higher frequencies bring with them much higher data rates now while these new 5g radio waves can carry more data with the higher performance they can't carry it as far.

so 5g will use a lot of so-called small cells these are small versions of the big cellular towers we all know 5g will also use some new tricks in these small cells like beamforming to efficiently aim transmissions rather than just spray everything everywhere.

4G vs LTE vs 5G? What's the difference?

There's been lots of talk about 5g coming but most people probably don't even know what that means and there are other terms as well that we've seen such as LTE which just kind of is a term that came out of the blue one day.

it's like what does that mean is it 4G is it better than 4G that's all the stuff that I'm gonna be answering today and hopefully a way that is pretty easy to understand now first before we start I need to get one thing out of the way which is a mistake that I see.

so many people making and you need to understand that 5g cellular has nothing to do with 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi when we're talking about routers in your home that do Wi-Fi those are going to be using two different frequency bands 2.4 gigahertz and 5 gigahertz which is a lot of times companies and people will incorrectly refer to these as 2.4 G and 5g but that's not correct its gigahertz.

so it's kind of understandable why this might be confusing so just to understand that the 5g I'm going to be mentioning in this video is a completely different thing unrelated to Wi-Fi the 5g cellular doesn't even use the 5 gigahertz spectrum.

so it's a totally different technology frequency you get the idea so with that out of the way let's get into what the G does mean so we're talking about 3G 4G 5g that G is going to refer to the generation of the cellular network technology.

so it's more than just how much faster it is just because it's a new generation doesn't mean it's just faster there's a lot more that goes into it different protocols different specifications for minimums and maximums and maybe even different frequencies usually there's a lot of different things to it and historically it's been that a new cellular generation comes around every 10 years.

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